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Enrollment Applications

Student-Driven Services  |  Personalized Attention  |  Flexible Programs

Student-Driven Services
Personalized Attention
Flexible Programs

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Choose an Enrollment Application

Odyssey Online Learning is now enrolling for the 2025-2026 School Year.

Enrollment is closed for the current 2024-2025 School Year

Middle School Application

Apply for enrollment in grades 6 - 8

Enroll Now

High School Application

Apply for enrollment in grades 9 - 12

Enroll Now

Our Enrollment Process

Odyssey Online Learning is a tuition-free public high school. It is open to South Carolina residents who are eligible for grades 9-12. A student must enroll in OOL on a full-time basis and cannot be homeschooled or earning credits at another high school at the same time.

On the first day of class, all students have to be 20 years of age or younger. For the full school year, they will need to complete five to seven credits.

If you have questions about the enrollment process, please contact Mrs. Kelly Studebaker at (803) 904-3577. She is happy to assist you!

Non-Discrimination Policy: Odyssey Online Learning does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or immigrant status in its' programs and activities.

Step 1 - Complete Enrollment Application
Please click the button below to complete the Enrollment Application.
If you are a current or returning student, you do not need to complete the enrollment application.๏ปฟ

Enrollment Application

Step 2 - Upload Your Documents

Please upload your required documents. Documents needed include: 


  • Proof of Residence - This can be Property Tax Bill for your permanent residence, Rental Lease (complete copy, listing all occupants), Real Estate Closing Documents (where applicable), Vehicle Tax Registration, Voter Registration Card, Electric Bill, Water Bill, Telephone Bill, Internet Bill or, Cable/Satellite Bill.
  • Immunization Records (DHEC 2740 or DHEC 1148) - Must have grades 9-12 checked and signed
  • Birth Certificate
  • IEP (if applicable)
  • 504 plan (if applicable)
  • Most recent Report Card and Unofficial Transcript. 
  • Current progress report/interim grades.   
  • Please email Kelly Studebaker, Director of Enrollment and Compliance, at kelly.studebaker@odysseyonline.com with your student's name, grade, and reason for attending Odyssey Online Learning.

If you are not comfortable submitting your documents via email, please contact Kelly Studebaker, Director of Enrollment & Compliance, for alternatives.  Kelly can be reached at kelly.studebaker@odysseyonline.com or (803) 904-3577.


Email Your Documents Here

Step 3 - Enrollment Team Contact

Kelly Studebaker will reach out to you to complete the enrollment process.

Step 4 - Student Engagement Specialist

A Student Engagement Specialist will be assigned to the student.

Step 5 - Classes!

Classes are assigned by the Odyssey Team and it's time to get started!

Any questions or need a paper enrollment application? Our Enrollment Team is happy to help! Please feel free to call us at (803) 735-9110 Ext 1. 

Here are some questions you might have about enrollment in Odyssey Online Learning:

  • When should a student enroll?

    Odyssey Online Learning will accept your application year-round. Students are able to enroll until we meet our enrollment capacity and then are placed on a waiting list.

  • Can I enroll my student mid-year?

    Odyssey Online Learning will accept qualified students as space allows. Beyond late September, students who wish to apply will be on a waitlist. A small number may be able to enroll from that waitlist for the second semester.

  • Is a student guaranteed enrollment?

    Applicants who meet all eligibility requirements and complete the enrollment process will be granted enrollment if space is available.

  • What if my student was expelled?

    Students who were expelled from a school but who are re-enrolled in another school will be considered for enrollment. However, each student who has been expelled from a school in the past will be reviewed individually to determine eligibility for free online high school at OOL.

  • Can a student enroll part-time or with dual enrollment?

    No students will be allowed a part-time status. Students have to be enrolled in OOL full-time and cannot take classes elsewhere during that time. College or junior college courses, however, may be allowed because they are not the same as enrolling in another high school. Working with an advisor can help a student obtain permission for a dual enrollment status based on college credit.

  • How many classes must a student take at one time?

    Students are expected to take 5-7 credits per academic year. Each student's pacing and course load are set by their academic advisor, but every student must enroll for the minimum number of credits if they are to stay on pace for graduation. If a student wishes to pursue college prep, that will lead a student to take more than the minimum required classes.

  • Can I purchase your courses as a supplement to my child's current education?

    No, OOL does not offer individual families the ability to purchase courses directly.

  • Is there a cost for OOL schooling?

    Odyssey Online Learning is a free public high school, like the one you would attend through a local district. There is no tuition. As with most schools, there can be minimal costs for optional activities, along with supplies.

Our Lottery Process

If the number of applicants exceeds the capacity of the school, a lottery process will be used to determine enrollment. The lottery will be supervised by the Executive Director and will be held no later than two weeks following the conclusion of the Open Enrollment period.

The name and grade of each student who has submitted a complete application:

  1. Will be placed on an index card (Lottery Card).
  2. The information on the Lottery Card will be verified against the application.
  3. The individual Lottery Card will be placed in an unmarked envelope.
  4. All envelopes will be placed in a large, clear container and shuffled. 
  5. An individual with no professional or business relationship to Odyssey Online Learning will randomly select an envelope from the box.
  6. The name of the student will be announced and assigned a lottery number. This number will be recorded on a ledger.
  7. This process will continue until all envelopes have been drawn, opened, and recorded.
  8. The names drawn in lottery number order equaling the enrollment openings for that grade will be placed on the class roster for that grade.
  9. The remaining names will be placed on a Waiting List in their lottery order number.

Odyssey Online Learning will grant enrollment to siblings of a pupil already enrolled, students of a charter school’s founder and children of employees in a work-site charter school (so long as the total number of students allowed under this exemption constitutes a small percentage of the school’s enrollment).

If you have questions about the enrollment process, please contact Mrs. Kelly Studebaker at (803) 904-3577. She is happy to assist you!

Non-Discrimination Policy: Odyssey Online Learning does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or immigrant status in its' programs and activities.

Title IX Policy

Odyssey Online Learning - Title IX Notice

Odyssey Online Learning does not discriminate based on sex in education programs, school activities, admissions, and employment and are committed to promoting gender equity, preventing hostile environments based on sex, prohibiting sexual harassment/violence, ensuring protection from retaliation, and remedying other gender-based forms of discrimination in academic settings.

For more information regarding Odyssey Online Learning's Title IX policy please visit our Title IX page in the link below.

Odyssey Online Learning - Title IX

Enroll Today!

Supportive, positive learning environment

(803) 904-3577

(803) 904-3577

"Attending OOL has given me the opportunity to do what I love. I am a Junior at OOL and this is my third year with the school. I train and travel all over the country with my karate team. OOL gives me flexibility to attend live lessons online and do my school work from any location. I would recommend OOL to any student who wants the ability to travel and earn their high school diploma at the same time!"

- Blake Spence, Student

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